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Fun Activities during Halloween

Halloween is a season of fun these days. It is the occasion when children, teens, and adults wear spooky costumes for more fun. Through the years, there have been numerous fun and exciting activities that have been directly associated with Halloween. Perhaps, people now look forward to Halloween because of such fun activities. Every year, you surely do not run out of ideas to be part of such tasks. Here are several of those activities and events that have become part of the annual Halloween tradition, not just in the Western World but also worldwide.

Trick or treat has become a customary celebration associated with Halloween. It has become a fun activity more especially for children. Such kids dress in their spookiest and weirdest costumes and come to every house in the neighborhood to ask for treats from homeowners. Those treats usually come in the form of candies and other sweet goodies. Sometimes, they collect coins.

The question asked is ‘Trick or treat?’ thus the name for the activity. Trick refers to threat to perform a form of mischief to the homeowner or his property specifically if no treat is provided. In several areas in Scotland and Ireland, kids come guising. In this action, every child performs a talent show to earn treats. That show could be a song number or a dance performance.

Halloween parties are also customary and usual. Organizing and putting up one could be easy. Yes, it may sound and seem tedious at first, but as you go along, you would find yourself truly enjoying it. Begin the activity by planning the party. The first step should be conceptualizing. Aside from making the party a costume inspired one, why not think of many other creative twists to challenge all guests and make the activity more fun and livelier? Perhaps, you could ask families to come in full family costumes. You could also dwell away from the usual spooky costumes. Why not prefer popular superhero attires? Children and adults would surely love it.

Wearing of costumes is a must every Halloween. In the old beliefs, masks and ghoulish costumes were worn to help ward off bad and harmful spirits. It could be logical. It was believed that during Halloween, spirits roam around. They would think a person is one of them if he wears a monster or ghost costume. Thus, they would not do harm. These days, this custom has become part of the fun Halloween tradition. As mentioned, costumes are not limited to spooky creatures and monsters. They now include super hero costumes. Some people just impersonate famous movie characters or Hollywood icons.

Halloween is also the time for other activities. Have you ever noticed why scary movies are shown in time for the Halloween? Think of Jason and Friday the 13th movie series. Many other horror flicks from Asia are given Hollywood twists. Movie producers aim to scare.

Interestingly, people pay for tickets and come to movie houses to scare the nerve out of them. It must be the freaky Halloween spirit.

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